A 36 year old female with Dengue Ns1 Antigen positive and IgG positive , viral Hepatitis
Unit 4 admission : A 36 year old female house wife came to the hospital with complaints of Fever since 5 days Abdominal pain since 5 days Nausea since 5 days patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 days back. Then she complained of fever which is high grade , continuous ; not associated with chills and rigors . Relieved with medication . No complaints of cold and cough . patient complaints of generalised weakness . Patient complaints of nausea, vomiting 2- 3 episodes per day associated with food particles , non bilious , non blood tinged. Patient complaints of abdominal pain in the umbilical region , which is squeezing type and relieved after vomiting . No complaints of loose stools or constipation . No c/o pedal edema, Facial puffiness . No c/o burning micturition . No c/o chest pain, palpitations , syncopaal attacks . C/o sob grade 2. orthopnea and pnd absent. C/o frontal headache which got subsided on medication. No c/o bleeding manifesta...